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University of Surrey models

household-consumption Social Practices Agent Based Model Prototype model under development to model social practices of household energy demand Download Model documentation (pdf)

University College London models

energy-futures   UK TIMES The model generates scenarios for the evolution of the energy system based on different assumptions around the evolution of demands, future technology costs, measuring energy system costs and all greenhouse gases (GHGs) associated with the scenario. 
Download Model documentation (pdf)

Imperial College London models

spatial STeMES (Spatio Temporal Model of Energy Systems)  STeMES is a generic optimisation model of energy systems comprising technologies for generation/conversion,
transport and storage and transport infrastructures.
Download Model documentation (pdf)
© thomaslerchphoto - Whole electricity System Investment Model (WeSIM), Stochastic Unit Commitment (SUC) model, Price-based Demand Side Participation Model (PriceDSP), Dynamic Transmission Investment Model (DTIM), Distribution Network Planning Model (DistPlan), and Combined Gas and Electricity Network Operation Model (CGEN).
Modelling of Smart Low-Carbon Energy Systems
Download Model documentation (pdf)

University of Cambridge models

land  UK Foreseer Model for visualising the influence of future demand scenarios on requirements for energy, water and land resources Download Model documentation (pdf)