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What should the UK's climate targets be in the post-Paris Agreement era?

What should the UK's climate targets be in the post-Paris Agreement era?

21 April 2017

The United Kingdom was the first country to sign binding emissions reduction targets into law in 2008, and has been a strong proponent of global action on climate change for the last decade.

Energy Pathways under Deep Uncertainty: What do Decision Makers Really Think is Important?

Energy Pathways under Deep Uncertainty: What do Decision Makers Really Think is Important?

06 December 2016

The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and the Whole Systems Energy Modelling consortium (wholeSEM) are inviting participants to a 2 hour workshop on the ETI's latest research collaboration with the UCL Energy Institute.

wholeSEM Stakeholder Event: Top Down Integration Project - Challenging the Feasibility and Key Elements of a Long Term Decarbonisation Pathway

wholeSEM Stakeholder Event: Top Down Integration Project - Challenging the Feasibility and Key Elements of a Long Term Decarbonisation Pathway

Models are often relied upon by policy makers to provide evidence that informs the decision-making process. But what kind of evidence is needed? How is uncertainty communicated? And based upon what assumptions?

BIEE Oxford Research Conference: Innovation and Disruption: the energy sector in transition

BIEE Oxford Research Conference: Innovation and Disruption: the energy sector in transition

How will innovation transform the energy sector in the next 5-10 years?

Join Professor Neil Strachan and members of the wholeSEM consortium at BIEE’s 11th Oxford research conference for two days of ...

Annual Conference 2016: Energy Modelling Insights for Iterative Decision Making

Annual Conference 2016: Energy Modelling Insights for Iterative Decision Making

Our 3rd Annual Conference combines our strands of thinking that try to model the future energy pathways under uncertainty where the demands of policy makers and indeed the framing of the issues are ...

Flexibility in Energy System Models

Flexibility in Energy System Models

There has been emerging agreement that given the growing importance of flexibility that we should start in depth discussions and share experiences and insights, in order to inform future research agenda. Keep an ...

Re-Configuring Everyday Practices for a Post-carbon World

Re-Configuring Everyday Practices for a Post-carbon World

wholeSEM and the British Sociological Association Climate Change group are hosting a 2 day workshop about how everyday social practices can be re-configured to be less energy intensive. An intended output of the ...

Energy systems challenges in a world in transition

Energy systems challenges in a world in transition

UKERC is convening a residential conference that will bring together different perspectives on the energy system, and identify the key energy system challenges for the research community, government and other actors. The conference ...

Short term versus long term energy planning - Considering temporal trade-offs in decarbonisation pathways

Short term versus long term energy planning - Considering temporal trade-offs in decarbonisation pathways

This workshop will look at the temporal trade-offs to be considered in energy planning, with a special focus on the long term versus short term energy systems modelling. The workshop sessions will include ...

Integrated energy system models incorporating spatial and temporal detail

Integrated energy system models incorporating spatial and temporal detail

It is very important to account for the temporal and spatial dependencies of system properties when modelling energy systems.  This is because neither the energy demands nor the availability of primary energy resources ...

Call for Abstracts: Energy and environmental system interactions – Policy and modelling

Call for Abstracts: Energy and environmental system interactions – Policy and modelling

Members from Cambridge's wholeSEM team are convening a session at the  European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 in Vienna, Austria. The session 'Energy and environmental system interactions – Policy and modelling' will discuss ...

UK Water-Energy Nexus Workshop

UK Water-Energy Nexus Workshop

The UK’s transition to a highly decarbonised energy regime that is in consonance with GHG emission reduction targets, and climate change mitigation aspirations would require significant changes to the energy system, and ...

The role of integrated assessment models (IAMs) in long-term public and private decision making

The role of integrated assessment models (IAMs) in long-term public and private decision making

Elmar Kriegler, PIK (Germany) – The use of IAMs for policy analysis
Keywan Riahi, IIASA (Austria) – The role of IAMs for the analysis of sustainable development

Martin Haigh, Senior Analyst and lead ...

wholeSEM Annual Conference 2015: Hybrid Energy Modelling – Linkages and Interdisciplinarity

wholeSEM Annual Conference 2015: Hybrid Energy Modelling – Linkages and Interdisciplinarity

On 6th & 7th July, we hosted our 2nd Annual Conference at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. The conference ‘Hybrid Energy Modelling – Linkages and Interdisciplinarity’ brought together experts from the UK and International energy modelling ...

International BE4 Workshop

International BE4 Workshop

Building sustainable energy systems requires a focus on behaviour, along with technological development: Behaviour plays a major role in the uptake and use of energy technologies, in driving energy service demand, and its ...

What do we know about influencing household energy use?

What do we know about influencing household energy use?

There is evidence on the barriers to energy reduction in homes from behaviour
change projects and programmes. These issues have been considered from
theoretical, practical and experimental perspectives. Yet there remain significant
gaps ...

UK Land Energy NexuS (LENS) Workshop

UK Land Energy NexuS (LENS) Workshop

The workshop aims to bring together stakeholders involved in bioenergy and natural resource management, namely research/academia, industry (including agriculture) civil society groups and government agencies to discuss the UK’s bioenergy pathways ...

wholeSEM Annual Conference 2014 -  Modelling Long-term UK Energy Futures: Challenges and Competing Objectives.

wholeSEM Annual Conference 2014 -  Modelling Long-term UK Energy Futures: Challenges and Competing Objectives.

The 1st annual conference of the Whole Systems Energy Modelling (wholeSEM) consortium focused on modelling and modelling insights. The overall aim was to take the latest UK government long term pathways and to ...

IQ SCENE: Innovative techniques for Quantitative SCenarios in ENergy and Environmental research

IQ SCENE: Innovative techniques for Quantitative SCenarios in ENergy and Environmental research

Quantitative scenarios form the core of the future analysis in the energy, climate and other environment-related fields. A growing number of researchers worldwide start using innovative techniques for developing, analysing and choosing quantitative ...

wholeSEM/DECC Stakeholder Workshop

wholeSEM/DECC Stakeholder Workshop

wholeSEM held a stakeholder workshop with Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). This event was designed to introduce a set of energy models and energy modelling approaches to a breadth of technical ...

OSeMOSYS Steering Committee and workshop

OSeMOSYS Steering Committee and workshop

OSeMOSYS is a fully-fledged systems optimisation model for long-run energy planning. It is an open source tool created by a community of leading institutions, including UCL, and is capable of powerful energy systems ...

First Workshop on Modelling Social Energy Practices

First Workshop on Modelling Social Energy Practices

The Modelling Social Energy Practices workshop invited contributions that described computational models inspired by social practice 
theory, presented models of household energy demand, and evaluated different models of social energy-
related practices.