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Skelton, A., Parroussos & Allwood, J., (submitted) Comparing energy and material efficiency rebound effects: an exploration of scenarios in the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model, submitted to Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Jia, L., Aidt, T., Allwood, J., Low, H. & Skelton, A., (to be submitted) The limits of substitution towards low carbon emission inputs, to be submitted to Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Hope, C., Roberts & Walker (Under review) Preparing UK households for a more active role in the transition to lower carbon energy. The Journal of Energy Research and Social Science.


Allwood, J., Gutowski, T., Serrenho, A., Skelton, A. & Worrell, E. (2017) 'Industry 1.61803: the transition to an industry with reduced material demand fit for a low carbon futurePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375, 2095

Roberts, T., Hope, A., & Skelton, A. (2017) 'Why on earth did I buy that? A study of regretted appliance purchases' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375, 2095

Konadu, D. D., Fenner, R. A., Richards, K. S., Allwood, J. M., Butler, D., Kilby, C., Hall, J. M., Mason, A., Gasparino, U., Colquhoun, K., Johnson, A., Davies, P. A., Byers, E., Ward, R., De Stercke, S., Bajón Fernández, Y., Riley. D., Darch, G., Street, R., Osborne, M., Spooner, S., Mukherjee, S., Armstrong, A. and Williams, R. (2017) 'UK water-energy nexus under climate change: Key issues and priorities' ISBN 978-0-903428-43-1. 

Skelton, A. & Allwood, J. (2017) 'The carbon price: a toothless tool for material efficiency?' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375, 2095

Mourao, Z.S., Konadu, D., and Damoah, R. (2016, December) 'Assessment of environmental co-benefits of energy system decarbonisation – the case of UK air quality using Remote Sensing and Model simulations' In 2016 AGU Fall Meeting.

Rivotti, P., Karatayev, M., Sobral Mourão, Z., Shah, N., Clarke, M. and Konadu, D. D. (2017, April) 'Impact of future energy policy on water resources in Kazakhstan' In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 19, p. 4163). 

Konadu, D. & Mourao, Z.S. (2016, December) 'Assessment of the trade-offs and synergies between low-carbon power sector transition and land and water resources of the United Kingdom using the "ForeseerTM" approach' In 2016 AGU Fall Meeting.

Guivarch, C., Trutnevyte, E., Lempert, R. (2017) 'Scenario techniques for energy and environmental research: An overview of recent developments to broaden the capacity to deal with complexity and uncertainty' Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 97, Pages 201-210.

Karatayev, M., Rivotti, P., Mourão, Z. S., Konadu, D. D., Shah, N., & Clarke, M. (2017).'The water-energy-food nexus in Kazakhstan: challenges and opportunities' Energy Procedia, 125, 63-70. 

Konadu, D. D. & Fenner, R. (2017) 'Catchment level water resource constraints on UK policies for low-carbon energy system transition by 2030Global Challenges. DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201700006

Rivotti, P., Karatayev, M., Sobral Mourão, Z., Shah, N., Clarke, M. and Konadu, D. D. 'Impact of future energy policy on water resources in Kazakhstan' Copernicus.

Spencer, T., Pierfederici R., Sartor O., Berghmans N., Samadi S., Fischedick M., Knoop K., Pye S., Criqui P., Mathy S., Capros P., Fragkos P., Bukowski M., Sniegocki A., Virdis M. R., Gaeta M., Pollier K., Cassisa C. (2017) 'Tracking sectoral progress in the deep decarbonisation of energy systems in Europe' Energy Policy, Volume 110, November 2017, Pages 509–517                                                                  

Narasimhan, K., Gilbert, N., Hope, A. (2017) 'An Empirically Informed Practice-centric Approach to Model Demand Response in Households' CRESS, University of Surrey

Li, F. (2017) 'Actors behaving badly: Exploring the modelling of non-optimal behaviour in energy transitionsEnergy Strategy Reviews, Volume 15, Pages 57–71                                                  

Li, F., Trutnevyte, E. (2017) 'appraisal of cost-optimal and near-optimal pathways for the UK electricity sector transition to 2050' Applied Energy, Volume 189, Pages 89–109.

Pye, S., Li, F., Price, J., Fais, B.(2017) 'Achieving net-zero emissions through the reframing of UK national targets in the post-Paris Agreement era' Nature Energy, Volume 2, Article number 17024.

DeCarolisa, J., Daly, H., Dodds, P., Keppo, I., Li, F., McDowall, W., Pye, S., Strachan, N., Trutnevyte, E., Usher, W., Winning, M., Yeh, S., Zeyringer, M. (2017) 'Formalizing best practice for energy system optimization modelling' Applied Energy Volume 194, Pages 184–198.


Dr Birgit Fais, Dr Hannah Daly, Dr Marianne Zeyringer, Dr Ilkka Keppo, Dr Will Usher (2016) 'Impact of technology uncertainty on future low-carbon pathways in the UKEnergy Strategy Reviews, pp. 154-168

wholeSEM Cambridge Team (2016) UK land use and energy system interaction: Modelling energy systems How much bioenergy feedstock can by grown sustainably in the UK? © University of Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-903428-39-2

Pye, S. and Bataille, C. (2016). Improving deep decarbonisation modelling capacity for developed and developing country contexts. Climate Policy.

Pye, S., McGlade, C., Bataille, C., Anandarajah, G., Denis-Ryan, A., and Potashnikov, V. (2016). Exploring national decarbonization pathways and global energy trade flows: a multi-scale analysis. Climate Policy.

Skelton, A.C.H, Allwood J.M (2016) Questioning demand: A study of regretted purchases in Great Britain Ecological Economics, Volume 131, January 2017, Pages 499–509

Strachan, N. Fais, B and Daly, H (2016). 'Reinventing the energy modelling–policy interface.' Nature Energy 1(3): 1-3

Li, F. Pye, S and N. Strachan (2016) 'Regional winners and losers in future UK energy system transitions' Energy Strategy Reviews

Li, F. and N. Strachan (2016) 'Energy transitions modelling of climate targets under landscape and actor inertiaEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

McKenna, R. Hofmann, L. Merkel, W. Fichtner, N. Strachan (2016) 'Analysing socioeconomic diversity and scaling effects on residential electricity load profiles in the context of low carbon technology uptake', Energy Policy, 97: 13–26

Scott, K., H. Daly, J. Barrett and N. Strachan (2016), 'National climate policy implications of mitigating embodied energy system emissions', Climatic Change, 136(2): 325-338

Fais B., N. Sabio and N. Strachan (2016), The critical role of the industrial sector in reaching long-term emission reduction, energy efficiency and renewable targets, Applied Energy, 162: 699–712

Narasimhan, K. Roberts, T. Gilbert, N. (2016) Using agent-based modelling to understand the spread of energy consuming social practices in households, DEMAND 2016 international conference

Narasimhan, K. Roberts, T. Gilbert, N. (2016) HOPES: A practice-centric model of domestic energy consumption, Social Simulation Conference 2016

Narasimhan, K. P., Roberts, T., Gilbert, N. (2016) 'An agent-based model to explore the short-term and long-term trajectories of domestic energy practices' Presented at wholeSEM conference. 


Daly, H. E., Scott, K., Strachan, N., Barrett, J., 'Indirect CO2 Emission Implications of Energy System Pathways: Linking IO and TIMES Models for the UK' Environmental Science and Technology Volume 49, June 2015, pp 10701–10709

Konadu, D., Mourão, Z. S., Allwood, J. M., Richards, K. S., Kopec, G., McMahon, R., Fenner, R. (2015) 'Land use implications of future energy system trajectories—The case of the UK 2050 Carbon Plan' Energy Policy Volume 86, November 2015, Pages 328–337

Konadu, D., Sobral Mourão, Z., Allwood J. M.,, Richards, K. S., Kopec, G. M., McMahon, R. A., Fenner, R. A. 'Not all low-carbon energy pathways are environmentally “no-regrets” options' Global Environmental Change Volume 35, November 2015, Pages 379–390

Pye, S., et al. (2015) 'Pathways to deep decarbonization in the United Kingdom', SDSN - IDDRI.

Samsatli, S., Samsatli, N. J., Shah N., 'BVCM: A comprehensive and flexible toolkit for whole system biomass value chain analysis and optimisation – Mathematical formulation' Applied Energy Volume 147, Pages 131–160

Narasimhan K., Roberts T., Gilbert N., Xenitidou M. (2015) 'Using ABM to clarify and refine social practice theory, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing' Springer International Publishing.  

Strbac G., Aunedi M., Pudjianto D., Teng F., Djapic P., Druce R., Carmel A., Borkowski K. (2015) 'Value of Flexibility in a Decarbonised Grid and System Externalities of Low-Carbon Generation Technologies'. For the Committee on Climate Change.


Ahrweiler, P., Schilperoord, M., Pyka, A., Gilbert, N.
Testing policy options for horizon 2020 with SKIN (2014) Understanding Complex Systems, pp. 155-183. 

Akgul, O., Mac Dowell, N., Papageorgiou, L.G., Shah, N.
A mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) supply chain optimisation framework for carbon negative electricity generation using biomass to energy with CCS (BECCS) in the UK (2014) International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 28, pp. 189-202.

Balke, T., Gilbert, N.
How do agents make decisions? A survey (2014) JASSS, 17 (4), p. 1.

Daly, H.E., Ramea, K., Chiodi, A., Yeh, S., Gargiulo, M., Gallachoir, B.O.
Incorporating travel behaviour and travel time into TIMES energy system models (2014) Applied Energy, 135, pp. 429-439. 

Dodds, P.E., Keppo, I., Strachan, N.
Characterising the Evolution of Energy System Models Using Model Archaeology (2014) Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Article in Press.

Fais, B., Blesl, M., Fahl, U., Voß, A.
Comparing different support schemes for renewable electricity in the scope of an energy systems analysis (2014) Applied Energy, 131, pp. 479-489. 

Pudjianto, D., Aunedi, M., Djapic, P., Strbac, G.
Whole-systems assessment of the value of energy storage in low-carbon electricity systems (2014) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 5 (2), art. no. 6612755, pp. 1098-1109. 

Pye, S., Usher, W., Strachan, N.
The uncertain but critical role of demand reduction in meeting long-term energy decarbonisation targets (2014) Energy Policy, 73, pp. 575-586. 

Qadrdan, M., Wu, J., Jenkins, N., Ekanayake, J.
Operating strategies for a gb integrated gas and electricity network considering the uncertainty in wind power forecasts (2014) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 5 (1), art. no. 6589136, pp. 128-138.

Strbac, G., Pollitt, M., Konstantinidis, C.V., Konstantelos, I., Moreno, R., Newbery, D., Green, R.
Electricity transmission arrangements in Great Britain: Time for change? (2014) Energy Policy, 73, pp. 298-311. 

Welsch, M., Howells, M., Hesamzadeh, M.R., Ó Gallachóir, B., Deane, P., Strachan, N., Bazilian, M., Kammen, D.M., Jones, L., Strbac, G., Rogner, H.
Supporting security and adequacy in future energy systems: The need to enhance long-term energy system models to better treat issues related to variability (2014) International Journal of Energy Research, Article in Press. 

Zeyringer, M., Andrews, D., Schmid, E., Schmidt, J., Worrell, E.
Simulation of disaggregated load profiles and development of a proxy microgrid for modelling purposes (2014) International Journal of Energy Research, Article in Press.


Aunedi, M., Aristidis Kountouriotis, P., Ortega Calderon, J.E., Angeli, D., Strbac, G.
Economic and environmental benefits of dynamic demand in providing frequency regulation (2013) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 4 (4), art. no. 6578160, pp. 2036-2048.  

Bajželj, B., Allwood, J.M., Cullen, J.M.
Designing climate change mitigation plans that add up (2013) Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (14), pp. 8062-8069. 

Curmi, E., Fenner, R., Richards, K., Allwood, J.M., Bajželj, B., Kopec, G.M.
Visualising a Stochastic Model of Californian Water Resources Using Sankey Diagrams
(2013) Water Resources Management, 27 (8), pp. 3035-3050. 

Mac Dowell, N., Samsatli, N.J., Shah, N.
Dynamic modelling and analysis of an amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture absorption column (2013) International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 12, pp. 247-258. 

Papadaskalopoulos, D., Strbac, G.
Decentralized participation of flexible demand in electricity markets - Part I: Market mechanism (2013) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28 (4), pp. 3658-3666. 

Papadaskalopoulos, D., Strbac, G., Mancarella, P., Aunedi, M., Stanojevic, V.
Decentralized participation of flexible demand in electricity markets - Part II: Application with electric vehicles and heat pump systems (2013) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28 (4), pp. 3667-3674.