What should the UK's climate targets be in the post-Paris Agreement era?
The United Kingdom was the first country to sign binding emissions reduction targets into law in 2008, and has been a strong proponent of global action on climate change for the last decade. More...
Starts: Jun 28, 2017 5:00:00 PM
Energy Pathways under Deep Uncertainty: What do Decision Makers Really Think is Important?
The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and the Whole Systems Energy Modelling consortium (wholeSEM) are inviting participants to a 2 hour workshop on the ETI's latest research collaboration with the UCL Energy Institute. More...
Starts: Mar 30, 2017 4:00:00 PM
Annual Conference July 2017: The Past, Present and Future of Energy Modelling
Keynote More...
Starts: Jul 3, 2017 10:30:00 AM
wholeSEM Stakeholder Event: Top Down Integration Project - Challenging the Feasibility and Key Elements of a Long Term Decarbonisation Pathway
Models are often relied upon by policy makers to provide evidence that informs the decision-making process. But what kind of evidence is needed? How is uncertainty communicated? And based upon what assumptions? More...
Starts: Nov 30, 2016 12:00:00 AM
BIEE Oxford Research Conference: Innovation and Disruption: the energy sector in transition
How will innovation transform the energy sector in the next 5-10 years?
Join Professor Neil Strachan and members of the wholeSEM consortium at BIEE’s 11th Oxford research conference for two days of stimulating, interactive discussion and debate on the impact of innovation and disruption on the energy sector and gain an overview of how “innovation” - not just technological innovation but innovation in policy and the way energy developments are financed - will change the future energy mix and thrust of policy
Starts: Sep 21, 2016 12:00:00 AM