Day 1 - Monday 4th July 2016
10.30: Tea & coffee, registration
10.45-12.30: Plenary session Suite 1
• Welcome to Cambridge, to the wholeSEM consortium, and to our 3rd
Annual conference: Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge
• Keynote speaker: : Laura Cozzi, Head of Demand Outlook Division, Directorate of Sustainability, International Energy Agency Title: World Energy Outlook: Air Pollution and Energy Use.
• Respondents: Oliver Rix, Baringa; Alastair Davies, EDF; David Joffe, CCC
• PhD student session 1: Two-minute elevator pitches (8 students), Neil Strachan coordinating.
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.00: Concurrent sessions on interdisciplinary energy modelling
Session 1a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling Suite 1
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Tom Roberts, University of Surrey
• Speaker A: Georg Holtz, Wuppertal Institute, 'A socio-technical perspective on energy modelling'
• Speaker B: Kalai Ramea, University of California, Davis, 'Integrating Vehicle Consumer Choice in TIMES and its Implications for Climate Policy Analysis'
• Speaker C: Kavin Narasimhan, University of Surrey, 'An agent-based model to understand the dynamics of domestic energy practices'
Session 1b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences Study Centre 2
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Sandy Skelton, University of Cambridge
• Speaker A: David McCollum, IIASA, 'Quantifying uncertainties influencing the long-term impacts of oil prices on energy markets and carbon emissions'
• Speaker B: Sean Beevers, Kings College London, 'The impacts on air quality of policies to meet the UK Climate Change Act target'
• Speaker C: Zenaida Sobral-Mourao, University of Cambridge, 'Soft-linking the UKTM and Foreseer models: an iterative process to assembling energy system pathways that respect wider environmental limits'
Session 1c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty Study Centre 8
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Francesco Fuso Nerini, UCL
• Speaker A: Keigo Akimoto, RITE, 'Evaluation of 2030 GHG emissions based on the submitted NDCs and their consistency with temperature rise target emission pathways considering scientific and policy uncertainties'
• Speaker B: Chris Bataille, Simon Fraser University, 'Using backcasting from a low carbon future to inform operations, investment, infrastructure and R&D policy decision making today: The role for modellers'
• Speaker C: Peihao Li, UCL, 'Characterising and integrating demand response within a long-term energy systems analysis'
15.30 - 16.00: Coffee break (PhD posters available)
16.00-17.30: Plenary session Suite 1
• Chair: Nilay Shah, Imperial College London
• PhD student session 2: Two-minute elevator pitches (8 students), Neil Strachan coordinating.
• Discussion session: Encouraging modellers and model users to combine insights from real world markets, societal process and technology policies.
• Discussants: Jim Watson UKERC; Evelina Trutnevyte, ETH; Phil Taylor, University of Newcastle
18.30: Evening drinks: Trinity Hall Cambridge
Conference Dinner: Trinity Hall Cambridge
• After
dinner speaker: Nick Winser; Chair, Energy Systems Catapult
Day 2 - Tuesday 5th July 2016
09.00 - 11:00: Concurrent sessions on interdisciplinary modelling
Session 2a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling: Suite 1
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Nawfal Saadi, UCL
• Speaker A: Jonathan Kohler, Fraunhofer ISI, 'Changing energy, changing lifestyles –
social simulation of transitions in mobility with an ABM'
• Speaker B: Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Imperial College London, 'Integrating social practice and economic rationality principles in household energy demand modelling'
• Speaker C: Nici Zimmerman, UCL, 'Participatory system dynamics modelling for integrated decision-making about housing, energy and wellbeing'
• Speaker D: Zia Wadud, University of Leeds, 'Help or hindrance? The travel, energy and carbon impacts of highly automated vehicles'
Session 2b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences Study Centre 2
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Rick Lupton, Cambridge
• Speaker A: Kathrin Volkart, PSI Switzerland, 'Implementation of multi-objective optimization in the MARKAL framework for simultaneously analysing the economic, societal and environmental performance of the global energy system'
• Speaker B: Leonidas Paroussos, NNTU, 'Fossil fuel subsidies phase out: The role of recycling'
• Speaker C: Pete Smith, University of Aberdeen, 'Synergies and trade-offs between energy systems and negative emission technologies'
• Speaker D: Sandy Skelton, University of Cambridge, 'The cost of greenhouse gas emissions abatement through greater material efficiency in the use of steel'
Session 2c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty: Study Centre 8
• Organiser and Rapporteur: James Price, UCL
• Speaker A: Laurent Drouet, FEEM, 'Mitigation policy costs and uncertainty'
• Speaker B: Stefan Pfenninger, ETH, 'High-resolution modelling of renewable energy and implications for planning under uncertainty'
• Speaker C: Chris Dent, University of Durham, 'Uncertainty quantification in large scale energy systems models: GB exemplars'
• Speaker D: Sheila Samsatli, University of Bath, 'Modelling integrated multi-vector energy systems capturing spatial dependencies and hourly operation over a long-term planning horizon'
11.00-11.30: Coffee break (PhD posters available)
11.30-13.00: Concurrent sessions on interdisciplinary energy modelling
Session 3a: Integrating society within energy systems modelling Suite 1
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Kavin Narasimhan, University of Surrey
• Speaker A: Evelina Trutnevyte, ETH, 'New approach to interactive use of energy system models for policy support'
• Speaker B: Catherine Bale, University of Leeds, 'Decision theatres, heat networks and the modelling process: engaging local decision-makers'
• Speaker C: Tom Roberts, University of Surrey, 'Why on Earth did I buy that!? A study of regretted consumption practices'
Session 3b: Wider drivers, impacts and unintended consequences Study Centre 2
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Zenaida Sobral-Mourao, University of Cambridge
• Speaker A: David Brayshaw, University of Reading, 'Climate science in Whole Energy System applications - opportunties and challenges'
• Speaker B: Paul Brockway, University of Leeds, 'More tools in the policy box: Can exergy analysis give new insights on energy use and rebound?'
• Speaker C: Marianne Zeyringer & James Price, UCL, 'Modelling long- term energy pathways with high shares of variable renewable energy sources'
Session 3c: Strategic vs. incremental investment under policy uncertainty Study Centre 8
• Organiser and Rapporteur: Sheila Samsatli, University of Bath
• Speaker A: Jan Imhof, Aurora Consulting, 'Long-term energy investment, uncertainty, and the role of policy commitment'
• Speaker B: Michael Kenefick, E4Tech, 'Scottish TIMES - a national energy system perspective'
• Speaker C: Marko Aunedi, Imperial College London,' Role and value of flexibility in supporting cost-effective transition to an integrated low-carbon energy system'
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Final discussion session: How to develop, apply and communicate models when policy objectives are often not explicit? Suite 1
Chair: Goran Strbac, Imperial College London
• Discussants: Steven Becker, Ofgem; Andy Boston, ERP; Jon Saltmarsh, DECC
15.00-15.20: Conference round up and close – including prizes for best 3 posters Suite 1
• Neil Strachan, UCL and Jo Coleman, ETI
15.30 – 17.00: wholeSEM Advisory Board (By invitation only) Study Centre 2
• Chair: Jo Coleman, ETI
• Contact: Liz Milner, UCL