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The Past: Retrospective Analysis 

10.00: Registration tea and coffee

10.45: Opening Remarks (Roundabout Room) 
Neil Strachan, UCL: welcome to London, to the wholeSEM consortium, and to our 4th Annual Conference.

11.00: Keynote Speaker (Roundabout Room) 
John Loughhead, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

11.30: Retrospective Analysis Discussion Session (Roundabout Room)
Keynote speaker and key panel members discuss the energy modelling-policy interface and insights from the first 15 years of the UK’s low carbon transition.

Panel Members
Brian O’ Gallachoir, Energy Policy and Modelling Research, University College Cork
Gert Jan Kramer, Sustainable Energy Supply Systems, Utrecht University 
Heather Haydock, Ricardo Energy & Environment

The Present: Current Analysis

12.00: PhD student rapid fire presentations session 1 (Roundabout Room) Doctoral students are invited to deliver insights from their research as two minute elevator pitches plus Q+A

Pablo Carvajal Sarzosa, UCL
Selma Causevic, Delft University of Technology
João Gorenstein Dedecca, Delft University of Technology
Audrey Dobbins, University of Stuttgart
Alice Gunn, University of Reading
Yingjian Guo, Imperial College London 
Emma Hanley, University College Cork
Verena Heinisch, Chalmers University of Technology
Francisca Jalil Vega, Imperial College London

12.30 - 13.30: LUNCH

13.30 - 15.30: 
Parallel Speaker Sessions

Parallel sessions with a focus on current energy modelling topics

Session 1: Household energy demand: Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Practices and Policy 
(Roundabout Room)
Chair: Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey
Rapporteur: Maria Xenitidou, University of Surrey
Speaker A: Russell Hitchings, UCL 
Speaker B: Chris Jones, University of Sheffield 
Speaker C: Kersty Hobson, Cardiff University 
Speaker D: Kavin Narasimhan, University of Surrey

Session 2: Energy, Economy and Technological Transitions (Cyber Room)
Chair and Rapporteur: Ilkka Keppo, UCL
Speaker A: Will Usher, ITRC, University of Oxford
Speaker B: Enrica De Cian, FEEM
Speaker C: Uwe Remme, IEA
Speaker D: Sam Foster, Element Energy

Session 3: Energy, Resources and Wider Impacts (Global Room)
Chair: Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge
Rapporteur: Dennis Konadu, University of Cambridge
Speaker A: Kira West & Araceli Fernandez, International Energy Agency
Speaker B: Peter Levi, University of Cambridge
Speaker C: Fabian Wagner, IIASA
Speaker D: Abhishek Shivakumar, KTH

Session 4: Operation and Design of Energy Systems Infrastructure (Cloud Room)
Chair and Rapporteur: Goran Strbac, Imperial University
Speaker A: Phil Taylor, National Centre for Energy Systems Integration, Newcastle University
Speaker B: Erik Delarue, University of Leuven
Speaker C: Giulia De Zotti, Technical University of Denmark 
Speaker D: Florent Le Strat, EDF Research and Development Group

15.30 - 16.00: COFFEE BREAK

16.00: PhD student rapid fire presentations session 2 
(Roundabout Room)  Doctoral students are invited to deliver insights from their research as two minute elevator pitches plus Q+A

Erin Johnson, Imperial College London
Martin Klein, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
Florian Knobloch, Radboud University Nijmegen
Vicky Papaioannou, University of Reading
Neha Patankar, NC State University
Dmytro Romanchenko, Chalmers University of Technology
Erik Sandberg, Luleå University of Technology
Kristoffer Steen Andersen, Technical University of Denmark
Jacopo Tattini, Technical University of Denmark

16.30: Presentation of the Top Down Integration Project 
(Roundabout Room) 
Introduction: Marianne Zeyringer, UCL Case Study 1: Social Practices: Kavin Narasimhan, University of Surrey Case Study 2: Flexibility: Marko Aunedi,  Imperial University Case Study 3: NEXUS: James Price, UCL

17.30: Closing Remarks

18.00: Networking Drinks
 (M by Moncalm Urban Coterie Lounge )