The Future: New Approaches
9.20: Opening Session (Roundabout Room) Neil Strachan, UCL: Recap of Day 1 and welcome to Day 2
9.30 - 11.30: Modelling Cafe's
Focus groups to scope out ideas for new questions to be answered by models in the future.
How to best analyse/model...
Group 1: (Roundabout Room)
What carbon price (how high and how long) is need to mainstream new low carbon power generation, transport and heating technologies?
Facilitator: Florian Habermacher, Aurora Energy Research
Group 2: (Global Room)
Who invests in strategic new energy infrastructures?
Facilitator: Evelina Trutnevyte, ETH Zurich
Group 3: (Cloud Room)
Residential consumers’ change in energy demand due to the introduction of new energy consuming technologies?
Facilitator: Joe DeCarolis, UNC
Group 4: (Silicon Room)
How to keep options open for low carbon heating while ensuring zero emissions in the future?
Facilitator: Katy Roelich, University of Leeds
Group 5: (Tech City Room)
Specific industrial sectors with very few decarbonisation options?
Facilitator: Chris Bataille, ISDIR
Group 6: (Cyber Room)
How consistently government energy policies will be maintained for?
Facilitator: David McCollum, IIASA
11.40: Facilitators to report back findings
12.30 - 1.30: LUNCH
13.30: New Approaches Discussion Session
(Roundabout Room)
Discussion session with key panel members on new approaches to energy modelling, the next big idea and new perspectives.
Panel Members
Catherine Bale, Energy Research Institute, University of Leeds
Emma Harrison, Systems Integration, Energy Systems Catapult
Amy Mount, Greener UK Unit, Green Alliance
Liz Varga, Complex Systems Research Centre, Cranfield University
14.30: Closing Remarks and PhD Student Prizes
15.15 - 17.15: wholeSEM Advisory Board (by invitation only)