Re-Configuring Everyday Practices for a Post-carbon World
May 05, 2016 12:00 AM
May 06, 2016 12:00 AM
Location: University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK

wholeSEM and the British Sociological Association Climate Change group are hosting a 2 day workshop about how everyday social practices can be re-configured to be less energy intensive. An intended output of the workshop is to produce an edited collection, published as part of the Sage Sociological Futures series, on 'Re-Configuring Everyday Practices for a Post Carbon World'.
We welcome contributions from researchers at all career stages. Papers may discuss the following and related questions:
• What would everyday practices in a post carbon world look like?
• What role can models play in understanding the transition in everyday practices for a post carbon world?
• What methodological innovations might be needed for exploring what everyday practices may look like in a post-carbon world?
• How might new technologies, such as automated devices, change every day practices and associated energy demand?
• What is the role of government and policy in shaping practice for a post-carbon world?
For further information about the workshop please contact Dr Thomas Roberts