wholeSEM is having a dedicated poster session to showcase PhD student research into building or linking energy models.
Poster presentations:
Day 1: 15.00-15.30
Day 2: 11.00-11.30
Alaa Alfakara, UCL
Towards Better Estimation of Energy Use in Dwellings: A Framework To Couple Agent-Based Modelling With A Dynamic Building Simulation Model
Stephen Clegg, University of Manchester
Assessment of the Impact of Power-to-Gas on Electrical and Gas Transmission Networks
Joel Guilbaud, UCL
Techno-Economic Modelling of Hybrid Renewable Power Systems for the Mining Industry
Heidi U. Heinrichs, University of Cambridge/Forschungszentrum Jülich
Impacts of the German energy concept on the land and water system
Daan Kolkman, University of Surrey
Developing Models for Government: Some Lessons and Considerations from Practice
Thomas Rushby, University of Southampton
Developing downstream cap and trade for household energy demand reduction
Bernard Tembo, UCL
Trade-offs in Zambia’s Energy System: Identifying key drivers
Mauricio Ugalde, University of Edinburgh
Sustainable Energy Transition Strategies: a study case employing applied economic modelling
Javier Urquizo, Newcastle University
A spatial domestic energy framework for sub-city areas: a case study from the United Kingdom
Will Usher, UCL
Sensitivity Analysis of an Energy System Model
Garima Vats, TERI University and University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Joint PhD Programme
Energy, Water and Food Security Nexus in India
Kathrin Volkart, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Integrating global energy-economic system modelling and life-cycle assessment