Keynote Presentation
Mark Howells, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 'Supporting Policy Coherence - Challenges and Successes in Extending Energy Systems Models to other Resources'
Session 1a: Codifying and modelling social energy practices and demand changes
Malcolm Jay, Department for Transport, ‘The GB National Transport Model – demands and uncertainty in road transport energy forecasts’
Ruchi Choudhary, University of Cambridge ‘Energy Efficient Built Environments: from unit to city scale’
Kevin Lomas, University of Loughborough ‘How and when are UK homes heated: from measurement to modelling’
Session 1b: Improved modelling of technological change and diffusion
Oliver Rix, Baringa and Dr Ren Orans, E3 ‘Long term energy system modelling: comparing UK and California’
Brian O’Gallachoir, University College Cork ‘Developing and using a multi-model approach – One size fits all does not work’
Chris Heaton, Energy Technologies Institute ‘Developing UK energy scenarios from ESME modelling’
Session 1c: Interdisciplinary modelling of the whole energy system I
Alison Hughes, University of Cape Town ‘Hybrid Models: Modelling Development Aspirations and Mitigation in South Africa’
Joe DeCarolis, North Carolina State University, ‘Energy Scenario Exploration with Modelling to Generate Alternatives (MGA)’
David McCollum, IIASA ‘Breaking down non-cost barriers to technology adoption is critical for the transport-energy transformation’
Session 2a: Incorporating spatial and temporal detail in infrastructure
Russell McKenna, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology ‘Is there an optimum scale for energy autarky?’
Keith Bell, University of Strathclyde ’It’s got to work: the engineering detail in modelling electric power systems'
Goran Strbac, Imperial College London, ‘Role and value of flexible technologies in supporting cost-effective evolution to a low-carbon energy system’
Session 2b: Energy-land-water trade-off's and constraints (the Nexus)
Alex Archibald, University of Cambridge ‘Towards the development of a community UK Earth System Model’
Iain Morrow, AEA-Ricardo ‘Energy Models for Policy'
Holger Hoff, PIK ‘Modeling the land-water-climate nexus - what are links to energy?’
Session 2c: Interdisciplinary modelling of the whole energy system II
Chris Dent, Durham University ‘Linking energy systems models to real systems: model calibration and emulation’
Jonathan Cullen, University of Cambridge, 'Resource efficiency in steel-making'
Sheila Samsatli, Imperial College London, 'A general spatio-temporal model of energy systems, STeMES, and its application to integrated wind-hydrogen-electricity networks in Great Britain'
Session 3a: Practices and demand linking to Technological transition
Evelina Trutnevyte, ETH ‘Mission (im)possible: Embracing parametric, structural and socio-political uncertainties in modeling energy transitions’
Martino Tran, University of Oxford ‘A general framework for modelling techno-behavioural dynamics on networks’
Sonia Yeh, UC Davis ‘Opportunities and Challenges of Incorporating Consumer Choices and Consumer Behavior in Energy–Economy– Engineering–Environment (4E) models’
Thomas Roberts, University of Surrey, 'The Complexity and Dynamics of Household Energy Practices'
Session 3b: Technological transition linking to Infrastructure spatial and temporal detail
Kenneth Karlsson, DTU ‘Heat saving and district heating potentials for TIMES-DK’
John Barton, University of Loughborough ‘High-Temporal-Resolution Analysis of GB Power System Used to Determine Optimal Amount and Mix of Energy Storage Technologies’
Kannan Ramachandran, PSI ‘Aspirations for electrification: Does the future electricity demand profile matter for electricity supply? – Temporal aspects of Energy system modelling’
Nazmiye Balta-Ozkan, University of Cranfield ‘Urban economics and energy use: from pounds to electrons’
Session 3c: Infrastructure spatial and temporal detail linking to Energy-land-water nexus
Helen Houghton-Carr, CEH ‘Global modelling of water availability and water use under current conditions and future scenarios’
Andrew Lovett, University of East Anglia ‘Spatial modelling of the energy-land-water nexus: challenges and opportunities’
Richard Taylor, E4tech ‘Introducing the Bioenergy Value Chain Model: spatial optimisation, linkages and insights’
Rick Lupton, University of Cambridge, ‘Integrating land, energy and water at different scales in Foreseer’
Session 4a: Practices and demand linking to Infrastructure spatial and temporal detail
Benjamin Hobbs, John Hopkins University ‘Which Oversimplification is the Worst Sin? Lessons from Large Scale Transmission Planning for Renewables Using Optimisation in the Eastern and Western Interconnections of the US’
Alex Rogers, University of Southampton, ‘Thermal Modelling of Homes and Buildings From Minimal Sensor Deployments’
Session 4b: Technological transition linking to Energy-land-water nexus
Geoff Hammond, University of Bath ‘Environmental footprint analysis as an integrating tool for evaluating the energy-land-water nexus’
Ying Qin, University of Cambridge 'The energy-water nexus for integrated resource policies – a case study of China'
Marta Dondini, University of Aberdeen ‘Ecosystem Land-Use Modelling & Soil C GHG Flux Trial (ELUM)’
Session 4c: Interdisciplinary modelling of the whole energy system III
Phil Summerton, Cambridge Econometrics ‘Hybrid modelling to assess the socio-economic consequences of a low carbon transition: Insights from E3ME applications’
Garima Vats, Ritu Mathur, TERI ‘Interdisciplinary methods in energy & resources modeling’
Birgit Fais, UCL, ‘Large-scale deployment of marine energy technologies - what could be the benefits of a strong national market?’