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Introduction to wholeSEM - Neil Strachan, UCL

Mapping UK energy modelling expertise – Marianne Zeyringer, UCL

Keynote, Long-term UK energy policy and modelling insights – Steven Fries, DECC Chief Economist

Energy modelling & UKERC - Jim Watson, UKERC

Modelling in DECC an Overview – Alec Waterhouse, Head of Modelling, DECC

Low carbon scenario critical issues: Technology pathways for a low-carbon energy transition - critical insights from the energy system model UKTM – Birgit Fais, UCL

Low carbon scenarios: modelling the co-evolution of domestic energy practices – Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey

Low carbon scenario critical issues: Environment – Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge

Addressing the challenge of modelling energy storage in a whole energy system - Sheila Samsatli and Nilay Shah, Imperial College London

Options for addressing the balancing challenge: integrated gas and electricity perspectives - Meysam Qadrdan and Goran Strbac, Imperial College London