wholeSEM models presented at European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) workshop in Brussels
8 May 2014
On 8th April 2014, Marianne Zeyringer (wholeSEM Research Associate at UCL) attended a meeting of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) in Brussels. Marianne presented the energy models used at UCL and wholeSEM to group members of Sub-program 4: Energy models for a system assessment of European low-carbon energy futures: markets, environmental and economic impacts. Sub-program 4 has 33 member institutions from 15 countries. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the strengths of the modelling teams and provide thematical foci for cooperation. The next meeting will be a 1.5 day modelling and policy workshop which will focus on joint modelling activities on uncertainty and the management of intermittent energy generation and storage.
EERA brings together key energy research centres and universities under 15 Joint Programmes. It provides a forum to facilitate discussion, research collaborations and joint funding application.
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