wholeSEM Job Opportunity: Research Associate in Energy Systems Modelling
19 May 2015
wholeSEM's University College London team are recruiting for a Research Associate in Energy Systems Modelling.
We are seeking to appoint a researcher to undertake dedicated projects in energy systems analysis as part of the UK’s leading energy systems and modelling research team. You will work on a range of projects including wholeSEM, a ground breaking UK initiative funded by EPSRC to develop, integrate and apply state-of-the-art energy models and behavioural and uncertainty modelling under the FP7 Advance Project. The successful candidate would become a fully fledged energy system modeller, able to build, run, critique, and explain a range of modelling frameworks. The funding for this appointment is available for 24 months in the first instance.
For informal discussions about the post, contact Professor Neil Strachan
Application deadline: Wednesday 17 June 2015
Further Information, Job Description and How to Apply